DC power supplies with ultra-capacitors C-TEC with DC input and AC C-TEC with AC input
Direct current power supplies with ultra-capacitors

The devices of the C-TEC and AC C-TEC series include ultracapacitors inside their housing as energy storage.
In case of the C-TEC series, if the DC supply is interrupted, the energy of the ultracapacitor is released in a controlled manner. The load is supplied by the ultracapacitor until it is discharged.
In case of the AC C-TEC series, during normal operation its ultracapacitor is charged from the AC supply. When an interruption of the AC supply occurs, the energy of the ultracapacitor is released and the load is supplied until the ultracapacitor is discharged.
For both C-TEC and AC C-TEC devices, the buffer time depends on the state of charge of the capacitor and on the discharge current.
Capacitor extension modules CEM

The CEM modules are used to increase the buffer energy for the devices C-TEC and AC C-TEC which monitor and control the charging and discharging of the extension module.
Direct current power supplies with batteries
DC power supplies with batteries AKKUTEC

UPS systems of the AKKUTEC series operate in standby parallel mode and by having batteries as energy storage they provide uninterrupted power in case of mains power failure. During mains operation, the DC source supplies the load and the battery simultaneously. If the power supply fails, the battery buffers until it has reached its deep discharge limit. The buffer time depends on the charge state of the battery and on the discharge current. This can be a few minutes or a few hours. The battery management integrated in the AKKUTEC devices protects the battery and makes the system safe and highly reliable.
Battery modules NBBH

The selection of the optimal battery technology is a decisive factor, depending on buffering times or environmental conditions. Our battery portfolio covers the complete product range in AGM (Absorb Glass Matt) technology with the performance characteristics of an efficient and maintenance free lead acid battery; manufactured for a service life from 3 years up to 12 years and more according to EUROBAT definition. Battery modules having capacities below 17 Ah are usually equipped with a fast-on connector, while those having capacities of 17 Ah and above are equipped with an integrated internal thread connection. These constructions offer a reliable and rugged design suitable for all types of applications.
Charger for ultra-capacitors and batteries
Charger for ultra-capacitors and batteries UCCTEC

The UCCTEC has been developed as a charging and monitoring device for ultracapacitors modules, which can also be used for charging lead-acid batteries. The modes „ ultracapacitor charger” or “battery charger“ can be selected and parameterized by using the software paraTEC UCC. Up to 5 ultracapacitor-modules with programmable voltage 0 – 450 V can be charged and monitored separately from UCCTEC. The device can be used in systems where high mechanical loads and temperature fluctuations occur, because it is characterized by a large mechanical stability (shock up to 50 G) and a high working temperature range. Besides relay contacts it has two serial interfaces for the connection of a PC (RS485) for data exchange, parametrization, service functions, remote monitoring as well as for forwarding to further UCCs.
Charger for batteries AKKUTEC SVC

The AKKUTEC SVC (Special Voltage Charger) is a charging unit for lead-acid accumulators, which has several connection possibilities. Maximum 32 pieces of 12 V blocks, which have a total voltage of 450 Volt (at 0° C) can be connected together while 5 blocks with a total voltage of 60 V are predefined as a minimum. The unit can be used in systems, in which high mechanical stress and temperature variations are occurring. By using the software paraTEC UCC, it is possible to make the adjustment of the number of accumulators, to change parameters and to monitor the system. With the selection of the operational mode, it is possible to switch over from AKKUTEC SVC to UCCTEC mode.
Universally usable charger for ultracapacitors or batteries UPSOTEC

UPSOTEC includes charging and monitoring in one device, for an externally connected energy storage system. In case of a power failure of the DC supply, the energy of the storage will be released and thus the load will be supplied by the UPS until the voltage drops below the deep discharge protection. The back-up time depends on the state of charge of the energy storage and on the discharge current.
UPS systems completely wired in enclosures
Hybrid UPS of high-current for long-term buffering

J. Schneider Elektrotechnik has developed a special hybrid UPS which ensures a very long use of the batteries and maximum reliability. The hybrid UPS is a combination of a battery charger (AKKUTEC) with battery monitoring and a DC UPS with ultracapacitors (C-TEC P). In combination with the battery system, the AKKUTEC provides the long-term buffering for fire alarm systems, gas warning systems, mains transfer stations and for other critical infrastructures. In addition, the C-TEC P is integrated in the hybrid UPS, with which several safe switching operations with inrush current peaks are guaranteed until the end of the buffer time. Due to the various possible combinations of AKKUTEC and C-TEC P units with batteries of different capacities, the hybrid UPS can be specifically designed for any application.
UPS systems in wall-mounted enclosures

For the special requirements of any critical security applications such as fire alarm systems, smoke and heat extraction systems, voice alarm systems, etc., we are offering customized DC UPS systems already prepared for connection, in enclosures for wall mounting. The systems are available in various designs regarding the protection degree of the enclosure (IP 30/31 or IP 54), as well as with different options for the output voltages and currents.