Specific CT’s dual and self-powered protection relays SIA-B
Self-powered protection relays

SIA-B is a dual & self-powered overcurrent and earth fault protection relay, using the operating current through three specific current transformers which are also used to obtain current measurements. SIA-B can be used with an auxiliary power supply (24-230Vac/dc). The relay can be also supplied by a USB cable connected to the laptop, with the USB KITCOM adapter or a standard power bank. SIA-B protection relay with specific CT’s, provides a comprehensive range of protection functions in amazingly compact and lightweight housing.
Standard CT’s dual and self-powered protection relays SIA-B

SIA B is an overcurrent protection relay with self-powered and dual powered (self-powering + auxiliary power) options. The real advantage is that the installation and subsequent maintenance of external batteries are eliminated. The innovative relay is Self-powered using the operating current through three standard current transformers which are also used to obtain current measurements. Besides, SIA-B relay can be used with an auxiliary power supply (24-230 Vac/dc). Impeccably suited for protection and distribution systems, with minimal space requirement, SIA-B compact relay provides a comprehensive range of advanced functions and remote communications for SCADA (Modbus or DNP3.0 protocols).
Standard CT’s dual and self-powered protection relays SIA-C

SIA-C is an overcurrent and earth fault protection relay with self-powered or dual powered (self + auxiliary) options. The relay is self-powered using the operating current through three standard current transformers which are also used to obtain current measurements. Besides, the SIA-C relay can be used with an auxiliary power supply (24 Vdc, 230 Vac, 48 Vdc, or 100-230 Vdc/ac). The relay SIA-C is equipped with front local connection port (ModBus RTU) and rear RS485 remote communication port (ModBus RTU or IEC 60870-5-103 selectable by general setting). Its RAM memory is able to store up to 1024 events and 20 fault reports and, depending on model, disturbance fault recording (10 oscillographic records in COMTRADE format), while maintaining date and time, thanks to its internal RTC (real time clock) even without power supply.
Line protection relays
Compact and metal-clad switchgear protection relays SIA-F

SIA-F is the most competitive and cost-effective solution for overcurrent and earth-fault protection. Optionally, other protection functions such as the thermal image (ANSI 49) the trip block for switch disconnector, and control functions as the monitoring of the circuit-breaker (ANSI 52) ang the breaker failure (ANSI 50BF) can be included. SIA-F relay is able to record up to 200 events, 4 fault reports, and 1 oscillographic record in non-volatile RAM memory with the date and time thanks to its internal real clock (RTC). Up to 3 outputs and 2 inputs are included in the relay for monitoring and signaling, and also local and remote communications ports, with optional protocols as Modbus RTU or DNP3.0 Serial.
Feeder protection relays SIL-A

SIL-A is an advanced and efficient feeder protection relay with reliable overcurrent and earth fault protection and optional directional earth fault (isolated neutral included) and ground overvoltage protection. Intuitive for easy handling use, SIL-A has flexible communication options for the rear (RS485 for serial and RJ45 for ethernet interface) and a frontal port through a micro-USB connector. The SIL-A has the function of direct signaling/control of the circuit breaker (52 function) and the recloser (79 function), while zone selection interlocking (68 function) is available through configurable inputs and outputs thanks to the programmable logic (PGC).
Voltage and frequency protection relays SIU-C

SIU-C is a voltage and frequency protection relay which represents the best and most precise protection solution for transformers and electrical machines, in high, medium, and low voltage distribution systems. Also protects against decoupling, load shedding, and loss of main (islanding). The SIU-C is provided with 11 configurable inputs and 5 configurable outputs, as well as a non-volatile RAM memory for storing up to 3072 events and disturbance fault recording (DFR), while maintaining date & time thanks to its internal RTC (real time clock). To allow the communication, the SIU-C relay is provided with a local micro-USB front port and with remote communication rear ports RS485 and/or RJ45.
Feeder and generator protection relays
Feeder and generator protection relays SIL-G

SIL-G is a complete protection and control relay capable to operate with current, voltage, power, and frequency functions and thus is suitable to be implemented in primary and secondary distribution networks for feeder and generator applications. SIL-G supports IEC 61850 standard edition 1 and 2, implementing GOOSE messaging for the automation and control of substations, facilitating interoperability with other systems including HSR and PRP redundancy networks and copper or fiber optic connections. The new SIL G family is safe and secure by implementing Wi-Fi with WPA2-AES encryption and secure access levels. SIL-G is able to operate in different network levels assuring the correct time synchronization using SNTP or IRIG-B protocols. It includes a special module for Arc Flash Detection (AFD) with sensors included as a complete solution.
Line, feeder and generator protection relays SIL-C

SIL-C relay protects feeders and equipment and includes comprehensive current, voltage, and frequency protection for switchgear in industrial and utility applications, in a compact device. The SIL-C is provided with 11 configurable inputs and 5 configurable outputs, with a local micro-USB front port and with different optional ports and protocols for remote communication. The communications port allows the oscillography record to be downloaded in COMTRADE format (IEEE C37.111-1991), for increased efficiency and improved settings insights.
Feeder protection relays SIL-S

SIL-S is the latest protection relay introduced by Fanox in its portfolio, thus, this compact device integrates updated protection capabilities and a complete range of functions for switchgear in industrial and utility applications.
Having current, voltage, and frequency functions for primary and secondary distribution that can operate with current and voltage sensors, SIL-S relay is also compatible with Low-Power Instrument Transformers (LPIT). LPIT combines a low-power voltage transformer (LPVT) and a low-power current transformer (LPCT or Rogowsky coil).
SIL-S relay is provided with five RJ45 connectors to measure the 3-phase current and voltage, the neutral current and additionally the voltage for line-busbar synchronization.
Recloser control relays
Recloser control and feeder protection relay SIR-A

SIR-A is the relay that offers a complete solution for recloser control and feeder protection with current, voltage, and frequency functions for primary and secondary distribution. It is available with an auxiliary power supply of 24-230 Vdc / ac, 48-230 Vdc / ca, or 24-48 Vdc (depending on the model that best suits the application). SIR-A relays is providing flexible communication options through the frontal micro-USB port and the rear ports (RS485 for serial and RJ45 for ethernet interface). In terms of rear ports, SIR-A can manage multiple industrial protocols like DNP3 and Modbus (both serial or TCP versions), IEC60870-5-103, IEC60870-5-104, and IEC61850.
Feeder protection and recloser control relay SIR-C

SIR-C is the right solution for recloser control and feeder protection relay with current, voltage, and frequency functions for primary and secondary distribution. Relay is provided with a frontal micro-USB port to communicate with Fanox SICom software and rear serial or ethernet ports RS485/RJ45 enabling communication with other integrated systems through IEC 60870 – 5 – 103/104, Modbus, DNP3 protocols. The Fanox SICom communication software allows the oscillography record to be downloaded and saved in COMTRADE format (IEEE C37.111-1991).
Accessories for protection relays
Testing block FTB/FTP

FTB/FTP test block allows testing the protection, control, metering and/or communication device of a facility connected to field switchgear, easily and safely, isolating the circuits fully and eliminating all risks for the user.
Auxiliary battery power supply KITCOM

KitCom is an adapter to supply SIA relays through their front communication port, allowing the communication with the computer simultaneously. The equipment has a microswitch that feeds the power supply with a LED (ON) when the voltage is adequate, and also has two LEDs associated with the Rx and Tx lines of communication, which are used to verify if there is data traffic between the PC and the SIA relay.
Trip coil module TCM for self-powered relays

TCM (Trip Coil Module) is specifically designed to be used with self-powered relays SIA-B and SIA-C. Its main function is to adapt the relay to installations where the opening system is activated by a coil, instead of a striker. Connecting trip coil module to the potential-free trip contact of the relay it supplies necessary energy to trip the coil.
Current transformers for protection relays

Depending on the relay types, different types of current transformers can be used, adapted to customer requirements, both mechanical and functional. Regarding technical features, all required values that define a CT, as transformation ratio, burden, accuracy class, protection class, frequency, isolation level, are adapted to be completely compatible with Fanox protection relays.
CT-MTP Epoxy resin protection transformers are cost effective and very reliable for medium voltage switchgear. They are designed for dynamic loads and applicable for the current transformers powered relays. Consisting of self-extinguishing and halogen-free plastic enclosure and internal epoxy resin, they have a wide range of types corresponding to the primary rated current of almost any transformer.